To Be Honest

To be honest I just like to be the me the LORD has created me to be. People often do not like a jolly person. It’s does not fit into their perception of what life is meant to be like but as for me …. well ….. I love to be jolly …. life might be somewhat down at some point …. but …. hey ….. some happiness and joy helps us to get over the humps that try to stop us from keeping in joy and happiness. JESUS never told us that HE came to bring us unhappiness … HE said HE came to bring us joy in abundance though through trails and tribulations. To walk into and out of the fire joyfully … well …. it doesn’t hurt that bad. It’s attitude. It’s just all in the attitude. If you feel down and out … what a misery …. but if you think and feel … up and lifted … smiles … smile through the pain. I’d rather be a joyous encourager than a discourager through the negative aspects and bring the whole house down with me. JESUS was not like that. HE is not like this. HE is a happy fellow. HE’s got lots to be happy about. HE has HIS church. HIS bride. HIS living stones. It’s Christmas everybody. Let’s enjoy the season together and our little Christ Child.

Last Man Standing

The other week I heard this from the LORD mid-day or in the afternoon. And we chatted about if I would be the last one standing for HIM whether I would or would not and I said that I would. I would stand for HIM … even if I was the last man standing for JESUS. This song keeps coming up again and again and again. I’m standing on the SOLID ROCK of my Savior and Redeemer. Reminding myself that this long long twelve year season is to sink deeper and deeper into the ROCK Christ JESUS ….. and in this …. I rise ….. in eagle’s wings and fly fly fly ….. this is my journey the LORD has chosen for me. Good times or bad times. Hard times or easy ones. In pain or … without. 

It takes courage. It takes us all of our time. It takes us our entire life. It costs. It’s costs us everything that we are. Sometimes it even costs us people who think we are stark raving mad cos we give up everything just for JESUS. It’s not an easy road or path and we have to walk it alone. The only one hand that reaches out to us is JESUS’ and when we take it …. well …. it’s awesome …. as you can see … what I see …. Enjoy your journey with JESUS. It’s awesome. I stand with YOU LORD, YOU and YOU alone. I love YOU LORD JESUS. No matter what. By the power of the Holy Spirit.

Recorder Ensemble

We all had to learn the recorder at our music lessons. I joined in the Recorder Ensemble. It was nice. Now my grandsons need to learn to master the recorder and … I have to teach them how to control the air that enters into the pipe. It’s Christmas and my younger one did not find it amusing at first but my older grandson found it very amusing that I could just blow into the recorder without my mouth touching it. We did exercises to improve their air flow and finger control. Music lessons. Life as grandparents. I’m thinking a couple trebles might come in handy. The sound is wonderful. The all rounded education.  Life. Some have huge mountains to conquer. For others …. just to play a song and pass a music recorder exam … is also a mountain to conquer. And … we have ….. together we plod on our way. Up Up Up we go.


I Believe I Can Fly

So, you figure this out. I woke up and heard this song from the LORD. Wow LORD JESUS. When I bowled …. I truly believed I could fly fly fly and in Christ I’m no different a person. I suppose for us who had to go through ….. times of pain for our country ….. we fly …. for JESUS too. It’s Christmas and JESUS wants everyone to fly for HIM. HE is going to make HIS appearing to each and everyone of us, personally, like HE does for me every single year of my life. The little little Christ Child. Do you believe you can fly. I do. Fancy hearing this song. I used to listen to it before I bowled. It’s so important for the children to fly as soon as they are able. When my grandchildren were young we used to fly around all over our home. Now, they are flying in Christ and for Christ our LORD. I thought about this and I could sit and write way before hand for weeks but I love to keep it – spot on – as JESUS speaks to me at this very moment. This is live rhema. I believe I can fly and I’ll take all those near and dear to me up on eagles’s wings two.

I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch JESUS. I believe I can see JESUS. I believe HE speaks to me all the time. I believe HE is with me for all eternity. I believe in JESUS. I don’t believe in me. I just believe in JESUS. All JESUS and none of me. This is what I believe all my life long years and will continue so …. forevermore. 

JESUS Is NOT A Dictator

Our LORD is not a dictator. HE gives us the freedom to choose HIM or not. HE gives us the freedom to abide in HIS WORD, in HIM or not. HE gives us the freedom to walk in a manner worthy or not. HE does not force us nor hound us nor tells us what to do in a bossy way. JESUS is not like man. HE is God. HE woos us. HE gently tells us what is right and allows us to choose it or not to choose it. Regardless of the consequences …. we choose our own sinful nature or spirit filled one. It’s as simple as ABC’s. Yet, HE is always in control as HE has predestined all of this before the foundations of the world. Can you imagine this. What insight.

All JESUS wants of us is all of our heart. Just all of it. Is it so hard to give. So easy for me. HE gets it all the time. Every day in every way. What about y’all. HE’ll not force you. HE will only gently ask. It’s as easy as this picture. 

Away In A Manger

It’s Christmas y’all. It’s Christmas. If you were me you would understand what this means to me. It’s such a special time of the year. I love children. To see the little Christ child again this year is like a dream come true. Jesus never ever fails us. HE has never ever failed me. All my life. Man does though. I fail others too. Each and every single one of us is a failure. But, JESUS loves us. All of us. Well, those who would accept HIM as their LORD and Saviour. It’s Christmas again and …. my heart …. not of man ….. of God …. of my Father who is in heaven …. JESUS ….. the Holy Spirit. I honestly do not feel like I belong here in this earth. But then …. I feel that …. really really …. in my heart and soul and spirit …. I belong to heaven …… all of me …. and now ….. not tomorrow. It’s Christmas everybody. I bless you all with the appearing of the little little Christ Child to you.