Saved or not

One day I was sitting in the food court waiting for my husband after our afternoon prayer meeting and overheard this conversation between two elderly women. One who had joined in an elderly fellowship in a Catholic Church was enlisting her friend to join in. Which indeed I thought was excellent t and was happy to hear. I smiled. But what I heard next, saddened my heart. She told her that all she had to do was to follow the way of the things they did even if she did not believe.

Now, we all know the key word of John 3:16 is believe. 

And all benefits and companionship and free things would be hers to obtain.

It is at this place the Lord is speaking to my heart. So glad to see our Global University taking the biblical stance. 

In today’s world of anything goes. Now just anything, it is heading for more distance between a holy God towards the evil of the one who is still in this world. 

Holiness comes at a cost. Living in accordance to the word of God who is Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Holiness begets holiness. 

Sin begets sin. 

And so on and so forth. 

So, we all need to wait until the day of the Lord to know if some are saved or not. 

We are instructed that a life given to Christ will display the fruit that is attached to the vine in Spirit. Not by our own strength but by the Spirit of the Lord. 

And what is not useful will be pruned and tossed into the fire.

From a very young child I was taught the ways of the Lord. From a young married mother I was instructed to abide by the word. Though my teachers were tough on me I learned that the only way is the word, Jesus is the word of God. 

Three Generations Doing Church Together As A Family

It has been really awesome what the Lord is doing in our family here. Three generations doing church together. Dancing and singing and praising the Lord together as one in Christ Jesus. We were calling the glory of the Lord to fall as the Holy Spirit is welcome. Today we called to see Jesus. It was nice. God is real good all the time. And we all paid our tithe. 

Then we went out to the park and the trees.

Then I heard, ‘Praise God from whom all blessings flow.’

And then I hear, ‘Do you hear what I hear?’

Is Christmas here already!!!

God Knows All Things

We can be assured that God knows all things as He is omnipresent. Think for all of us this assurance, this promise helps us along life’s journey. As God knows all things it surely helps us to allow us to live lives openly. Think sin is always trying to be hidden. Sin is darkness but the Lord’s glory and light and goodness has ever and always been open to all who believe. I love to live a totally open life in accordance with the word therefore if I do faint and fail others would remind me that I am not living according to the word and to change my ways. That this has always and ever been corrected in my entire life throughout has helped me live a holy life. In all of this we are ever being reminded that it is to God be the glory. Do I get an amen?

So as clearly as I hear the voice of the Lord, He instructs me to ‘bless the name of the Lord’. So I look up this song and see what I have found and sweet fruit plums we have been eating.


Indeed, Only The Word Is Good Enough

It is hard to be girdled and steered in the Word of God. To learn His ways. As the layers of self get peeled off layer by layer by layer and life in the Word is closer and closer in the life we live. Surely, it is true. God’s standards. Nothing other than God standards is just not good enough. My Global Univesity course. This is all me. I love to be more diligent in study and more able to say, ‘I did it! I live by the Word of God.’ For none should boast but the cross. 

We have been eating a lot of sweet sweet white freshly picked peaches here from the farms and they give out the juices that slobber down our faces without being able to control it at first. But now, we suck up all the juices at first bite before we eat the fruit. 

Therefore, press on in Christ. In His word. The sweetness of the Word. Christ, Himself.

Got this one horrible post on my news feed on Facebook where the line was drawn overboard and the post was so disgusting I had to delete it. 

Indeed, I agree fully with standards. God’s and not man’s for man has gone out of Scripture. 

We Are All Parts Of One Body In Christ

We read it but it does not seem to sink in. People try their best to get people to follow after their footsteps. I do the same thing. Are we not all different parts of the body of Christ! So, people are not the same as each other. It has always been my heartache that I need to go with the flow of the group. But then I have already been round this mountain, I say to myself. I would like to learn something I have no idea about to increase my knowledge in Christ Jesus. Hence, I study Scripture. It takes me to places in my heart that touch me deeply and awesomely. God’s touch. My Father’s hand. For He knows my heart well. He knows every single part of me in every single place that I have not even known yet in myself. He knows how far I can reach in Christ and how deep and wide and long. He knows the love in my heart that He has put with His very own hands. He sees everything. Nothing escapes His eyes nor His heart. The beat that pounds in His heart pounds in mine. Nothing can separate me from His love for me as I have been faithful every day of my life. Where there has been choices, I have made the ones according to His statutes and ordinances. I fail but little. I am wrong but not so bad. I cling on to the word like it were my life. How ironic, right. Jesus is the Word of God. The Word is the person of Christ our Lord. O, but perhaps, I have had such a good start in my childhood years. I was taught well, with one tiny spoon at a time. One morsel. I ate and was taught to be satisfied in this very place that endures forever though all the heavens and the earth shall pass away and there shall be a new heaven and new earth and a new Jerusalem. What more can I say for today. Hence, I look back at the song He gave me and know this, I have progressed and shall progress further with the help of the church. The body of Christ. God makes ways no one can imagine nor press on. 

I Would Hate To Be Someone Else

I’ve never wanted to be like any other person. The reason is I love to learn from the best of a person about the Lord to increase in my knowledge of God but to know the Lord personally from a clearer and brighter perspective. You could call this as such, stepping stones.

There. Not that I step over people but just learn heartily from them. 

I love being my own original person figuring out how to draw closer to God my Father in heaven. That He told me that Jesus is the way to His heart is so touching that He would take time to tell me His heart. You could say that I have spent my whole entire life listening to hear God’s voice and that in doing so I walk along that path He has chosen personally and intricately just for me alone. Indeed I feel extraordinarily special as I was told a very tender age and just so in recent years come to understand how so. It is easy to get lost in others’ journeys but I am a focused person since birth and the fact that I’m an elite athlete magnifies this fact by which has brought and risen me to greater heights in my intimate communion with Christ our Lord, Messiah, the great I AM. I have ever thought what I can learn from others who can help me be me in the bigger picture of things to come and have found that every little bit helps. There has been times when there is nothing to be sought therefore nothing to be got so it be best to find other places where there be something to be sought. Life is like a huge box of Lego blocks where you find pieces to construct your own creative piece. 

That this piece must be Christ is vital to the foundational understanding by which we must all stand on. Like I knew this very concept from a very tender age before the age of five or much less being gently guided by those mature in Christ who know God intimately aspired me to follow such a route through my meagre life in Christ. For to know the gospel and its power to save is no small feat as even those be told not know this till this day for what reason I cannot say for know this not yet. I say this ‘yet’ for in time God will reveal this to me if but I ask then He shall say and tell me why for indeed if we therefore not ask of we do not get thereof. What can I say. So I plunge forth into Thy great and marvellous light for which it be the Christ in communion with He who is and in the knowing thereof, a greater is to be found, whereby no one be stood but those chosen to be Thine very own in glory found in His renown, all His and only His. I be Thine, my Saviour says. That by I hear Thee sing to me, how wonderful and how wonderful Thy be.

Loving One Another

The second commandment Jesus gave us is to love one another yet in the years gone by I have found that this seems the impossible. I have ever had this deep deep love in my heart but sometimes it gets squashed by the unloving. Therefore I have come to terms with this and have learned that Jesus loves and that in the in capabilities of just mere man, I’ve let it be  and God will do it all. So I just turn away. Leave in my heart. But I have kept the love that has been gifted me and share with those whom God sends.

The most amazing thing are my two daughters in my banner worship team. Though I have not intercepted in ways I have hoped, God has grown them beautiful. He has done His good work in them to be in completion on that day. Little Jo at fifteen, is leading for two weeks on her own and is most capable. She has gone places to share her love for Jesus in dance and banners all over the nations and even in her school. But the best is how focused and how happy my two daughters are in worship of Jesus. Freely we are allowed to worship in our church in the love of Christ in our humble adoration and holy devotion to Christ our Lord right in His throne room at his blessed feet. Jesus is high and lifted up in His one and only high place in our hearts. 

Is this not the love of Christ our Lord for His brides. 

The Lord has placed before Him three generations in a row worshiping Him in humble adoration.

What an awesome God we serve.

Love one another.

Bless the holy name of Jesus.

Be Perfect As Our Father

Do not settle for anything less than the perfection of who Christ is. And then, follow His example and be just like He who is deeply in love with each and everyone of us for He left the ninety-nine for the missing one. Do not lose heart for Jesus has overcome the world before the foundation of the world. We are called to be perfect and holy as the LORD. 

❤ ❤ ❤

Love demands our all as Jesus fills the all in all.


I just want to devote my life to the study of God’s Word. Intimately and deeply. Talking to Him in His Presence. Listening to His still still voice touch the deepest part of my heart which He so intricately fashioned with His very own hands. Breathe in Christ. Declare the glory of the Lord over my life in the rhema word. Worship in banners right at the foot of the throne-room of Christ as close as close as can be and kiss Him millions and millions of times more. For anything else is meaningless to me. 

I will be away for the next couple of months so I will be unable to write as much.

In Quiet Intimacy With Christ

There is so much hype but no one teaches on quiet time in deep intimacy with the LORD. I have been blessed to be instructed of this place and so spend lots of time set apart to be spent with the LORD. In this place you find Christ in a most intimate fashion. It helps to hear His voice ever so clearly and HE touches my heart in the very deep places which helps me walk in His ways and obey His statutes and ordinances. I just follow what those before me do. When someone goes into such an intimate place with Christ, they cannot be found. Sometimes for weeks. But Christ reveals Himself as like in Scripture. Or some vision. Indeed in this fast moving innovative world where people need people to feel secure, some just find Christ and is secure in Him and Him alone. We sing the song but the words do not ring true as in Christ alone is but a song and not a life style. The last Sunday our pastor taught on trusting the Lord with all of our hearts. As in all. We do trust others but within the boundaries set in Scripture. It spoke to my heart this commandment. It always has. I suppose not many find this place of just Christ and me. But there are those who do and those of us, though of a number that is not great find that God who is Spirit is real and mighty and powerful and faith abounds in this place for eternity is not but a dream of what is to come but knowing and seeing and feeling and touching and reaching out to a holy God is indeed possible as the crucified life in the flesh meets what is eternal and what is to come and all that is is heaven’s invasion in a dark dark world growing even darker but deep in the heart of man is the Christ and His light shining through and through and through and no one and nothing in the heaven or the earth has the power to intervene between God and man. We only follow the same path those before us and hope that those after us will be called to this place of intimate communion with Christ and Him alone. It comes at a cost. A great cost. Much has to be given up in this place in all areas of our lives. You could say all has to be given up for this place. Is it that not many find this place. What a place. I have so many kisses with Christ since like the norm. This has become my norm kissing Jesus’ lips. 


We truly need to thank these prophetic artists whose time is spent displaying what the Lord is currently doing in the lives of those who see Jesus. Finally it’s all white. It can only get whiter.