With All Of My Heart


It has been a tough week for me. I thought long and hard for my Sunday School sermon. In ‘The Work Of A Pastor’ in my Global University Biblical Theological course I’m doing it says we need to spend at least six hours on the sermon so that we know what we are going to say. Know where we are at. Just know the sermon. Just like it’s a part of us. So, I thought long and hard. I had intimate communion with the Lord and heard Him speak and did as He told me. 

The kids got only the word of God. One small sip at a time. The Lord told me to place them in front of the huge screen with the verses in extremely large font so they just had it right in front of them. The answers to the question were in bolder and larger print and in a darker color so that they could not miss it. You see. When I studied the bible, we were told by our teacher that no one is wrong. They are either at the place where they understand and see and hear or they are not. Putting them down because they do not know the answer does them no good at all. So I put the answer right in front of their faces. They could not get it wrong unless they cannot read English. They simplified the word and if the word was difficult, I just posted Strong’s definition of it in a slide for them to know. 

We did do an introduction though. An ESV introduction of Paul at the end of his life in Rome awaiting execution. Their participation was fast and they were so happy and smiling.

Needless to say the chocolates awaiting them urged them on. Put it this way. They all know those four verses and they possess the introduction to 2 Timothy. 

Global University
The Work Of A Pastor
Introduction To Global University Learning
ICA Academy
Theological Education


I spent days on this and it was all worth while as everything I needed was on the PowerPoint. The teens had so much fun they did not leave at the end of the service. They still sat around and talked. 

I have to admit, I was a bit naughty. In the end for a point, I asked them to pray for each other pertaining to what they had learned and they were to pray loudly so I could hear them. And they all did. Every single one of them. 

I wish I could send my sermon to Global University for my SLR but alas. No such thing. They would surely give me an A Plus for the entire youth participating. 

For in the end, what’s in a grade if you do not teach and reach our youth with all of our hearts and do God’s work as if it is all there is to live for. In the end, if it were not done in love, our youth would not respond, heartily. 

In the second service, a little short girl came to the back to see what I was doing with they banners and she felt afraid. But after a while she asked to worship with them and she did. 

Fix The Eyes Of Our Hearts On The Author And The Finisher Of Our Faith


I’m growing at an incredible rate in Scripture. But I’ve invested all my time and life on it. I’ve spent hours daily in the study of God’s Word and time in prayer and supplication. It’s funny isn’t it that when you want something, you will go the ends of the earth to search for it. And I did. I seek teachers of the Word and they honored God’s calling of the study of God’s Word in my life and they have fed me daily. His daily bread. The Word of God and since I’ve joined in Global University, I’ve grow at some incredible rate. But then it’s collaboration of all teachers of the Word of God.

But I only learn from women bible teachers. This is what I have been disciplined to do.

The thing is this. I study but it’s our children who need to study as well. The ones after us. It truly is very disappointing when those with us do not enjoy the study of the Word of God. They do not grow along with us. 

My eyes are sore from reading and reading and reading and the strength of my glasses are growing since my bible study adventures. It’s an incredible walk. I want to learn and know and well, I get to know. 

How important it is to fix our eyes on the Author and the Finisher of our faith. I want to finish strong.

Global University
Biblical Theology
The Work Of A Pastor
ICA Academy
Theological Education

Pass The Baton


We miss the mark because we do not know. The point. So what we know is by God’s grace when we are discipled and taught God’s Word so we share what is freely given by the Lord to those who do not know. We pass the baton that has been given to us so that the next generation, our children will know. 




Celebrating Friendship


I have to laugh. Dunno if you’ve had your school friends and friends in your twenties but I have some really good friends. My italian friend, I have to laugh. She would always ever sing to me. hahahahahaha Even when we were in our twenties and our sons were two or three. hahahahahahaha So last night I was reminded of The Prayer and in italian I have no idea what it meant nor means. I just remember this face singing to me. Think I know the words in italian but not english. hahahahahahahaha We both love Jesus very much and in some ways so alike. She loves to worship with banners. I actually started to worship with banners because of her. One day she got this huge hall and she said, we are going to have enough space to worship the Lord God Almighty here. We worshiped for an hour non-stop and it was then I fell in love with worshiping with banners. We are old now with many grandchildren and it is all good with Jesus at the centre of our lives and our children and grandchildren and we are still friends. Good good friends. She prays. Kneeling down and she was also asked like me to be totally Jesus’. It’s amazing how God orchestrates even down the very last detail. Our friends. She shares her grandchildren like she shared her children. The thing is, if you asked me to sing this song in english, I would not have any idea but in italian. hahahahahahaha I know the words.  We have never in all the years since our early twenties had not even one argument. Nor harsh words said to each other. We both know when to back down when the timing is wrong. When she came to church with me and saw Lydia, she told me I’m so blessed the Lord gave me someone to dance together to Jesus as she could find no one in all this time.  There are not many of us. We are a chosen and peculiar people set apart. So when I heard this song on you-tube, I was reminded since my twenties, sing to me. Sing to me. hahahahahahahahaha And she would. hahahahahahahahahaha Good memories. We’re still making them. And she would sing and dance.

What lesson is there to be learnt here?

God gives us friends. Life long friends. Who become our family. 

I have quite a number of friends. They are so nice. But shall write about them next time. 



And so to add to this, I got sung to by my friend’s two little grandchildren.

How blessed can I be.





It has just been all too much for me all this studying. hahahahahahaha I’m smiling as I write this this very moment. Today in my time of reflection and prayer and supplication to the Lord He spoke about idols. Now, if you had been in bible study and studied the kings of the Old Testament and relived the outcome of the kings weekly by our bible teacher, you’d have a thing about idols as well. This morning I got an audio lesson and listened. It was about idols and other stuff. It brought back memories and in light of recent days. O but perhaps my senses have been enlightened to the witchcraft around lately. Which makes me work harder at my studying of the Word of God. Actually, we are not supposed to stop studying God’s Word until the day we see Jesus Face to face. 

What More Or Who More Is There Than Christ.


What drives me?

Who drives me?

Christ and His Scripture.

He is the Word. 

I suppose not everyone is like me nor me like anyone else. 

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (Mt 6:32–33). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.

I’m happy studying God’s Word. It’s the best place to be. It leads us to Jesus.

Global University
Orientation To Global University Learning
Chapter 5
Chapters 6-9
ICA Academy
Theological Education

Honestly, We Serve An Amazing God

Jesus is His Name.

Today, after days of study of the Word, in Sunday School, you would not believe what happened.

A young teenager who had been with us for about a year and has been so quiet, accepted the Lord as her personal Lord and Savior. 

A ‘How To Preach The Gospel’ course was arranged for me quite a long time ago when I declared that I was going to preach the gospel all over the world. And I did. There were about thirty of us. Prearranged. Just for me.

Well, today this young teenager in a voice that could hardly be heard said, ‘I don’t know what you are talking about!’ When I asked if she had asked Jesus into her heart. The other girl beside her was jubilant and spoke of her acceptance of Jesus since aged seven so this young teen was excited. 

I decided, was prompted to preach the two minute gospel to her. Make it simple, I heard the Lord say. So it took me a minute. As I drew out the simple picture, the teen beside her said, ‘My gosh, we get this at school all the time.’ She was so excited it spurred the one beside her on. I put down the key words, of believe, God, Jesus and preached the simple gospel I had learnt in one day or is it two. I was told the attention span of one who is being preached to is a very small window of opportunity and then they lose interest. So I made it as simple and as direct as possible. The fact that the other girl was bouncing around full of joy joy joy made the quiet one pay attention in her hope to belong. She agreed to ask Jesus into her heart and keep Him there. The other girl was so excited it was like the Lord had arranged this to happen in this way, like I have never experienced before so I just did it. 

In quietness and trust in Christ, she wanted Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior and was instantaneously in the kingdom of God. The teen beside her prayed for her and hugged her welcoming her into the kingdom and it was done and dusted within minutes. 


I had thought to allow the young lady beside me to preach, or even Niran,  but the Lord prompted me to do it myself. 

O Lord Jesus. Could I preach to millions? At one time. No joke. You can go to Africa and preach to a million at one time. I want my heart to beat fast as I preach to the masses. Like Jesus’ love for me on the cross. His heartbeat was fast as He gave His life for mine, remembering me, two. 


Perfect timing. It’s Lent. Many are in deep prayer and supplication in this place with Jesus. Like me.

I gave the young teen the sheet that I had preached to her and she took it eagerly and quickly kept it in her bag and smiled. I was amazed how much she wanted it. 

Do we serve an amazing God or do we!!! He did it all. He provided in every circumstance thing morning.

The Lord our Provider. 


Some things come easy to those who practice again and again and again. 


Global University
Biblical Theology
The Work Of A Pastor
Chapter 4
Orientation To Global University Learning
Chapter 4

Chapters 1-5
ICA Academy
Theological Education

2 August 2012 worship the LORD

Glory be to the Lord God Almighty.

Spirit And Truth

3 November 2012 sun-shining-through-cross

When I woke up I wondered what Jesus wanted to discuss with me. He reminded me if I do not share the cross, the gospel. The broken body of Christ our Lord then the very epicenter of Scripture is lost in …. what. So, I am armed with the gospel in a way no other would like to walk. Look upon the suffering of our Lord Jesus who is the Christ. Funny. People do not really want to talk about it. Discuss it. They would rather go somewhere else. Indeed every time I venture near to our broken Lord Jesus, I too get broken with Him. And as His heart broke for mine, mine breaks too for His. It’s lent. If we do not remember our salvation, our Redeemer, then we …. are we saying then that there is no one to redeem us. And if so like I taught in Sunday School in my twenties, if you do not know who God is then how are you going to know when you are in heaven. You just will not recognize Jesus. He will just be a foreigner to you. You will not know Him. He would be a stranger to you. Like anyone walking by that you do not know. So, these seven, eight year olds paid their utmost attention to the story of Jesus that I told them. I love writing stories since childhood. I day dream like Jacob. About God.


Spirit and Truth.


Global University
The Work Of A Pastor
Chapter 3
Orientation To GU Learning
Chapter 3

Biblical Theology
ICA Academy
Biblical Education
