walk the walk with JESUS

I have no idea about you all but I know who am and is created to be by my Father who art THOU in heaven and HIS Son our LORD JESUS, who is the Christ, MESSIAH. HE is coming again for HIS church, HIS bride, HIS saints, HIS people, HIS very own heart.

I have been so blessed all my life to be in focus in all of my life … all for my God. Taught and raised and disciplined freely in a time and a space where all I had to do was to find my Father in heaven. My God. And I did. It was everything I did. All to me.


Hard for me to believe that this is not the same for you all. All I can say I’m very sorry that it’s not the same for you all ….. the thing is I ain’t turning back in any way. I’m forging forward deeper and higher into the heavenlies. To my God. To my FAther and HIS Son, MESSIAH and the Holy Spirit.

The thing is … HE has this huge plan for me …. what it is I do not know …. I just know this, I’m in HIS plan and anything of this world will come to a sudden end one day. Nothing will remain but in Christ and with JESUS as my Father has instructed me personally … is the only way, TRUTH and life and it is as my Father tells me that I will follow JESUS.

HE is before me. High and lifted up. HIS LIGHT is blazing bright as ever. HE is my God. HE is my way to my Father who art THOU in heaven.

Why ever am I still writing. The thing is I’m not. I’m just listening and jotting it down. My journal. My life. God’s life for me.

This morning when I woke up, HE was already speaking speaking speaking. I have to be honest, it is really hard to catch what JESUS is saying. All JESUS is saying. HE talks so much. HE just does go on and on and on. HE is so knowledgeable and HE knows all things but to be honest, I have no idea about anything. I really honestly know not a thing. I can only claim to know Christ crucified. There are days when when I cannot keep up I just rest and let it all go. I cannot remember all things. My mind is only that of a human being. I’m not God. HE is God and HE is in control of all things.

I just wonder about Adam and Eve in the garden before they disobeyed and ate of the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden, the one they were not supposed to eat.

I just wonder if they had the same problem of God speaking and they just too could not get it all cos they were human though they were perfect in heaven.

See what I mean. There just aren’t enough days in a week nor year nor decades or centuries nor time to contain all that God is. There just is not.

You just have to make the choice. I made it before I was five. To follow JESUS, God …. or not. And if you do, it’s not a boring life at all. Your days will be filled with JESUS talking about things you need to know to get to know HIM better and when you think you’ve got it you’ve not and then JESUS is on to a very different subject and it you can actually catch it all you are very good and smart but mostly, no way. Not. We human beings are just far too slow for the LORD. I just wander why HE chose us if we are such slow beings.

It would be nice to just sit and listen and do nothing at all and just in the Spirit do it all with JESUS. But alas. I’m at the moment in this world, just by one of my hairs. hahahahahahahahaha Only just.

O LORD JESUS take me home. To YOU YOU YOU. Forevermore.

I truly understand Paul’s struggles. I really truly do. It’s staggering when you get to this stage of your walk and wonder when it will be time to go home or when JESUS returns and your mind is filled with things of the Spirit and heaven and then when you find you are still in this world, you just say, O no, why …….. hahahahahahaha and laugh and laugh and laugh like JESUS.

See, HE does laugh a lot and it’s lovely. Altogether lovely.

25 November 2012 JESUS smiling at us

The thing I ask myself, can I be a fool for JESUS ….. O yeah …. of course I can. I would not be a fool for anyone or anything of this world. I just want to be a fool for JESUS JESUS JESUS.

And when you say .. crazy …

Yeah, crazy in love with JESUS.

So. So what. O when I see JESUS at the foot of HIS throne when HE opens the book of Lambs and HE reads my name. O what a time of absolute joy and happiness and delight.

In the end, what matters the most to you all.

For me, JESUS. All else can wait till JESUS.



Tunnel vision here.

Upward surge LORD JESUS into the very depths of who YOU are LORD JESUS.

1 August 2013  j

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